In the early 1900s, visionary architect Domènech i Montaner built something radical. On the site of a medieval hospital he designed a modern hospital that would provide patients with architectural and natural beauty that would help heal their spirits. It was an unheard of concept back then and it still feels revolutionary; explore the magnificent _Art Nouveau_ complex that he devised.
雕塑的形象温柔亲切,病房里白色和薄荷绿植物花纹瓷砖铺满弧形穹顶,墙面则饰以更鲜艳可爱的花朵瓷砖。过去的病人就算不在花园晒太阳,躺在病床上对着高高的淡绿色艺术空间也能发呆许久吧。尽管展示了丰富的医疗器械,我仍觉得这里更像是高档疗养院。 这里的参观动线、展柜展板布置及视频讲解都设计制作得非常成熟,厕所和斜坡也很多,过去方便病患,现在方便游客。
Out of the tourist beaten track,but a nice place to go