Did you know that the Iguaçu Falls, one of the wonders of nature, is considered one of the most energetic points on our Planet?
This is not just a feeling of wonder. They could be NEGATIVE IONS. Negative ions are molecules floating in the air or atmosphere that have been charged with electricity. And they exist in nature, produced through the sun's ultraviolet rays, discharges of electricity in the air after thunder or lightning, wherever water collides, like a waterfall for example. In the Falls we found around 20,000 ions/cm3 air, a high level, considered therapeutic.
This is what we want to provide you, through a walk on the Iguaçu Falls trails, accompanied by a well-being coach, we will carry out bioenergetic practices to enhance the capture of NEGATIVE IONS from the air and experience a conscious and transformative experience!
Visitor Center Station
Spa Iguazú Wellness - Experiências de Bem-estar e Saúde em Foz
MYR 251.41