Electric Bike is a convenient and ecological alternative to explore with easily and effortlessly the south of Gran Canaria : Maspalomas Dunes, Ayaguaures Hill and dam or Arguineguin fishing village , Puerto Rico City.
You can choose to visit the famous southern Caribbean white sand beaches: Amadores Beach or Anfi Beach.
The e-Bike trekking has a battery life of about 80 km.
You will receive a paper map of Maspalomas with different routes .
Included you will also receive a mobile support.
Children over 14 years can drive an E-bike if accompanied by paying parent.
Babies: 1 -6 years can use the baby seats.
Maximum Baby weight 22 kg and Maximum Baby height 1,10 meters.
Maximum weight allowed on e-Bike = 110 kg (total :driver + passenger)
You will receive a free assistance service on the road, in the area of Maspalomas in case of puncture and breakdown of the vehicle.
Free Bicycle Spray Repair Kit if you will go outside the City .
The e-bike are not suitable to go on the sand or off-road.
Ayagaures Hábitat Arte
Las Maranuelas Beach
El Faro de Maspalomas
Reserva Natural Especial de Las Dunas de Maspalomas
Botanical Park of Maspalomas (El Parque Botanico de Maspalomas)
Yacimiento Punta Mujeres
Playa de las Meloneras
Bici Bike Vintage