Welcome to the magical world of legends and stories associated with Krakow! Our robotic show presents in a unique way the most fascinating legends of the city, such as the story of the Wawel Dragon, Kinga and the salt mine in Wieliczka, the Mariacki towers, the yellow boot, and the Sigismund Bell. Our attraction is not only about stories, but also experiences that will stay with you for a long time. Using the latest technology, the robot theatre brings legends to life and allows for an exciting interaction with the characters. You will have the opportunity to travel back in time and discover the dangers that awaited Mr. Twardowski, summon a ghost or see live how the Lajkonik danced through the streets of the city. Don't miss the chance for an unforgettable experience - come to Legends of Krakow, where history and technology meet in a fascinating way.
Show is available in five languages: English, Spanish, French, German and Ukrainian.
Legends of Cracow | Legendy Krakowa
Discover Cracow
MYR 45.67