This pass is not valid for the Kintetsu Limited Express trains.
Please refer to on user manual.
When using the voucher, open the usage screen from the link sent to you at the time of purchase, press the “Use” button, and show the screen to a staff member.
Please ensure you have a stable network connection, as you will need to access the web page on your smartphone.
Screenshots and printed copies cannot be accepted.
If you purchase multiple tickets in one transaction, they cannot be used separately, and all tickets will be activated simultaneously. To use the tickets individually, please purchase them separately.
Please refer to the official website for the service range info:
1 day of usage is calculated from the first train or bus of the day to the last train or bus of the day, it is not charged by hours (24/48 hrs); if the first ticket use is in the evening, the ticket will also be valid until the last train or bus of the day
Transit system routes and discounts are subject to changes without prior notice, please consider before booking.
Refunds are allowed provided that the pass remains unused up till 24 hours before arrival date.
The ticket was worth it and redemption process was clearly stated and smooth
Thank you , Pelago. the price is actually cheaper than buying on the Kintetsu ticket office, I can use this pass to travel from Kyoto , to Nara deer park, then to Ikomasanjo Amusement park for the mountain view Nara scenic view and travel to Osaka-Namba to end my day.
Hidden gem train routes. Great experience. Very comfortable.
It's about the same price as what you purchased on the spot. May not need to buy the pass in advance if you don't want to commit to this travel itinerary.
Awesome value
Really value for money, it comes with bus and train all day tickets,
Easy to use.
Easy to use