Yoga and massage have a . You lengthen and breathe space into areas that are tight. You massage the internal organs through bending and twisting, breathing nourishing breaths throughout the entire session. Both yoga and massage detoxify the body, increasing circulation in the blood and lymphatic system. And just as you might be a bit sore in the most healthy way possible after a yoga practice (or a workout), a deep massage can leave some tender spots asking for time to sort themselves out.
One of the differences about massage is that you have to trust the person who is working on you, as the massage is not self-inflicted like yoga. A good massage therapist helps you relax and feel comfortable, but you need to do your part to relax as well. This is so important; because a therapist can’t really do their best work if you’re fighting them by tensing up.
Ella Yoga Hub Outdoor Yoga Classes
Yoga Hub Ella Retreat
INR 6,885