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Nurture the Goddess within!
In this retreat you’ll discover the incredible depth and grace that is within you, in connection with a small, intimate group of like-minded women.
United in sisterhood, we will create a sacred heart-space of belonging, trust and love, an intimate safe container in which deep transformation can take root.
During the retreat you’ll receive deep nourishment for body and soul.
You’ll learn to balance your inner feminine and masculine+to reclaim your vibrant aliveness as a woman.
You’ll practice self-love, acceptance+compassion, to be at peace with your own unique expression.
You ́ll learn to connect deeply with your inner self+ to listen to and express those parts of you that are perhaps unseen.
You ́ll have time for self reflection and relaxation , the time and space to finally be, and to allow new ideas and desires to reveal themselves to you
You’ll go back feeling refreshed, revitalized and empowered, with tools to support your continuing journey at home.
Jojo AguaHealing
INR 51,033