Please select your hotel check-out date from the calendar. (Example: If your hotel check-out date is on the 1st and your outbound flight is at 1:00AM on the 2nd, you must select the 1st.)
On the day of check-out, leave your luggage at the hotel before 12:00PM and let the hotel staff know it will be picked up by Belluck.
Please provide the correct hotel name for carrier pick-up in the additional information upon checkout. (Airbnb, condo, guest house, pool villa, Rambuttri Village Inn and Plaza, not available outside of Bangkok).
Please also indicate the number of pieces and size of the bags in the additional information section upon booking.
Customers using Airbnb, condos, guest houses, and pool villas cannot use the service.
Pick up only from Bangkok. Other areas are not picked up.
The provider will not be responsible for any loss of valuables that may occur later.
On the day of check-out, you can pick up your bags at the Belluk booth at Suvarnabhumi Airport between 7:00AM and 11:30PM.
You can pick up the delivered bag at Gate 7 on the 4th floor of Suvarnabhumi Airport (between the P/Q counters).