Birdwatching in Chingaza & Observatorio de Colibries.
Colombia is the country with the big number of birds of the world with approximately 1923 species including endemic, near endemic, migratory and permanent residents.
We will depart to Chingaza National Park (Piedras Gordas area) at the 5:00am. This incredible place is located only one hour and half away from Bogota. We will be birding here all the day exploring Paramo and moorland ecosystems at a altitude of aproximadly 2800-3400m.s.n.m. in searching for:
Near-Endemic Birds: Blue-throated Starfrontlet, Matorral Tapaculo, Golden-faced Whitestart, Coopery-bellied Puffleg and Black-billed Mountain-Toucan.
Typical lunch.
Afternoon: : Observatorio de colibries (Hummingbird feeders) in La Calera. The observation of birds in Colombia is fantastic and wonderful because you can find diversity of ecosystems and different birds according to the region of the country.
Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza
Observatorio de Colibries
INR 35,168