Embark on a quest around Florence by solving clues based on the real story of the Monster of Florence, a serial killer that killed 20 people, all with the help of your smartphone. Unlock new stories as you discover on your own Palazzo Vecchio, the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral and Dome, Loggia del Bigallo, and more.
Each clue will lead you from one place to another, giving you exact directions, so you won’t need a map or GPS. Once solved and answered correctly, the secret story of that place is unlocked.
The tour and clues can be followed at any hour, but it is recommended that you try it at night, for the full haunted experience. There’s no time limit, so you can finish it at your own pace. Start and stop whenever you want.
Are you ready? Book now!
Piazza della Signoria
Palazzo Vecchio
Museo della Misericordia di Firenze
Loggia del Bigallo - Museo del Bigallo
Museo della Misericordia di Firenze
Loggia del Bigallo - Museo del Bigallo
Church and Museum of Orsanmichele(Pass by)
Duomo - Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore(Pass by)
Piazza San Giovanni(Pass by)
Battistero di San Giovanni(Pass by)
Centro Storico
Questo App City Exploration Game
INR 690