The Realm of Mystery is the most intriguing place. Whilst on its surface it appears to be nearly identical to the world we know, under the surface, there are hints of something strange at work.
We have been exploring the Realm of Mystery with the assistance of Professor H Geber, who appears to be a native of the Realm. The Professor has been most excited to share his research and his thirst for knowledge and belief in what we would call, Destiny, is most apparent. In more recent times, we have been unable to make contact with the Professor, and, in what was our last encounter, he spoke with great enthusiasm about a breakthrough he wanted to share with us - it seems most out of character that he should have disappeared now.
We are currently seeking adventurers to enter the Realm of Mystery to discover what the missing Professor has been working on and hopefully it will lead us to him and his discovery.
97 Wickham Terrace
Arcadium Adventures
INR 2,633