Be a part of our family for the afternoon. Let's make your own plants souvenir by create and designing living art ornaments. We will be discovering different types of biotopes and how to keep its ecosystem successful. We are a brand that specialized in living art. We would love to invite anyone who loves being connected to nature and is passionate about plant art to come join us in our workshop as friendly gathering so we can share our experiences with you. We will start by selecting a container for your ecosystem and let the magic starts from here. There is no rules, just imagination and creativity to create your living art piece. You will be able to choose from various local plants, moss, cactus, rocks, drift woods and other hard-scape materials from our collection. No experience needed. You will be fully equipped with all the materials you need with our assistance through out the session. Looking forward to see you soon.
Ponrada Gorngomsinniti
GBP 30.07