Myeongdong is a must-visit place for tourists who visit Korea. Myeongdong is located at the heart of Seoul and famous for shopping with trendy beauty items, fashion, and tasty food. There is a Korean Catholic Church " Myeongong Cathedral " in the middle of. It has been 200 years that catholic was introduced by Korean Confucius scholars as a western study. But It became a religion and repressed by the government. Thus there are many Catholics were executed and martyred throughout the Korean history. It is 103 canonized and 124 beatified. Korean first community started on the site of Myeongdong cathedral. It built 1898 as a first brick church in Gothick style.
Underneath the church, there is a crypt for 7 saints name Bishop Imbert, Fr. Chastan, Fr. Maubant, Antonio Kim Sung-woo, Francisco Choi Gyeong-whan, and two unknown martyrs. All these 7 martyrs were executed at Saenamteo in 1839. The blood of saints nourished and fertilized Korean Catholic Church.
Myeong-dong Cathedral
Arts and History Tour
GBP 16.73