During April-June we are witnesses to the incredible mobula ray aggregation here in Baja. They travel in 'fevers' or ‘squadrons’ of hundreds and thousands between the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean. We will witness individuals launching themselves far out of the water in an acrobatic display of communication. Once in the water we see the HUGE squadron of thousands of individuals cruising around together. Join our open-ocean day safari to Cerralvo Island (Jacques Cousteau Island); a more secluded area of Baja Sur where you can spend a day away from busy Cabo enjoying the unique and stunning mobula ray encounter. And it’s not just the mobula rays! It’s possible to also see Orcas, sperm whales, whale sharks and swim with wild dolphins.
22W6+VX La Ventana
Cabo Private Guide
GBP 260.94