Nestled in the picturesque town of Franschhoek, known as the "food and wine capital of South Africa," you find yourself in a charming kitchen surrounded by rolling vineyards and stunning mountain views. The ambiance exudes tranquility, with the scent of blooming flowers in the air and the gentle sounds of nature as your backdrop.
Your evening begins with a warm welcome from local chef Nicola SPILSBURY, who is passionate about showcasing the best of South African cuisine.
She will introduce you to the rich culinary history of the region and the significance of Franschhoek in South Africa's food culture. This relaxed cooking experience offers more than just cooking skills; it immerses you in the soul of South African cuisine, showcases the region's produce, and allows you to connect with like-minded food lovers. It's a perfect blend of gastronomy, wine and the warm hospitality that Franschhoek is renowned for, leaving you with cherished memories of a unique culinary adventure.
40 Huguenot St
Spilsbury's Kitchen
AUD 174.40