Embark on an extraordinary journey into the depths of the spectacular lava tunnel Raufarhólshellir, one of Iceland's longest and most renowned lava tubes. Delve into the inner workings of a volcano and gain fascinating insights into this natural wonder. Witness the mesmerizing ice sculptures that adorn the cave's entrance and emerge as a knowledgeable volcano enthusiast. If you've been seeking Iceland's 'underground' scene, your quest ends here!
Join a seasoned guide for an unparalleled adventure into the heart of a volcano. Enjoy a 1-hour 'tunnel taster' under the expert guidance of a knowledgeable leader. Traverse the magnificent lava tunnel Raufarhólshellir, touching walls that have stood for thousands of years. Gain a deep understanding of Iceland's volcanic landscape in an exhilarating and immersive setting. In winter, marvel at the extraordinary ice sculptures that adorn the cave's entrance, creating a sight unlike any other.
The Lava Tunnel
AUD 79.90