今年暑假,Skechers 同 Summer Waterpark 合作打造香港首個 Skechers Summer
Waterpark。場地位於上水石湖新村梧桐河旁,場地再擴充一萬多呎,增加至60,000呎,空間感無敵大,一定唔少得大人細路都玩到癲嘅 Skechers
Foamies 泡泡大戰!超巨大級別過萬呎水池、緊張刺激嘅滑水梯、大人都玩唔掂嘅水上競技賽、小朋友玩到唔願走嘅濕地充氣城堡、波波池波波池同Yo
Painting陪住大家過一個繽紛暑假。今年新加入教學活動元素! Victoria skimboard HK 沙灘滑板專門學校會第一次喺香港亮相,主理人
Kenny Sir 同一班 skimboarder 沙灘滑板高手會現場教授正確玩法。另外,魔手自由及水肺潛水學校 Masyu Playground
亦會教各位小朋友點樣變成小小美人魚。飲食方面仲會 LEVEL UP!Scaredy Cat 貓星人雪糕 、Doffee啡狗草本咖啡 、Zimbo
Kitchen熱食擔當、檸香茶手工檸檬茶,等你地可以開開心心玩足全日! 場內設有全港首個戶外 Skechers Foamies
防水涼鞋期間限定店,仲有限定特別優惠。立即於KKday 訂購門票一齊嚟玩啦!
※ 停車位及儲物櫃另設收費
※ 教學活動另設收費
– What Can You Expect –
Dive into Summer WaterPark 2023 with fantastic KKDay discounts! Gather your
loved ones for an exciting aquatic getaway. Feel the summer vibes at Hong
Kong's largest outdoor inflatable castle slide wave pool water park, nestled
by the Wutong River in Shek Wu New Village, Sheung Shui.
– Preferential Plan –
[Up to 50% OFF] Summer WaterPark Tickets for 4 (Same price for all ages)
– Package Info –
Get 10% OFF Summer Water Park Tickets
Date of use: July 24, 2023 to October 31, 2023
Package includes:
Free 1 snack and 1 drink per person (valued at HK$68)
Morning session: 10:00 am-2:00 pm (4 hours)
- Holiday Price:
- Adults: HK$218
- Children (aged 12 and below): HK$188
Afternoon session: 2:00 pm-6:00 pm (4 hours)
- Holiday Price:
- Adult: HK$258
- Children (aged 12 and below): HK$218
Play all day from 10:00 am-6:00 pm (8 hours)
- Holiday Price:
- Adult: HK$328
- Children (aged 12 and below) HK$308
-Play Guide-
Note that the following items are not allowed on the slide: Mobile phones, precious metals, sun protection clothing with metal zippers
To maintain cleanliness, and prevent children from vomiting or defecating in the pool; a maximum cleaning fee of HK$5000 may apply
-Question & Answer-
Answer: About 60-80cm water depth
Question: Are there shower facilities or changing rooms on site?
Answer: A shower area is available in the public section with separate facilities for men and women (4 showers on each side). Additionally, distinct changing rooms are provided for both men and women
Question: Is there storage space on site?
-Health Guidelines-
-Terms and Conditions-
Skechers Summer WaterPark