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Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan 11d10n

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Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan 11d10n

Next available dates
27 Mar
28 Mar
29 Mar
30 Mar
31 Mar
1 Apr
2 Apr

Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan 11d10n

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AUD 3,507.03

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The minimum is usually no less than 2, and the maximum is no more than 15 but some can be smaller or bigger, depending on the trip. Check individual trips for details.
Good time of travelling: from March untill November
Travel Style: Classic
All of the sightseeing, culture, access, and You-can’t-believe-we-did-that moments, all at a great price.
Service Level: Standard
Comfortable tourist-class accommodations with character; mix of public and private transport.
Physical Grading: 2 - Light
Light walking and nothing too challenging.


  • Tashkent

    15 minsAdmission Ticket Free
    Arriving to Tashkent Airport. Welcoming by our driver and transfer to the hotel for check in. On the way you will see the main streets of Tashkent city.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Art house hotel / Sayyoh hotel 4* hotel - Shodlik hotel / Le Grande Plaza hotel
  • Human House Shop

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    A store that sells products from Uzbek and Russian designers - clothing, shoes, accessories, dishes, fabrics, carpets, souvenirs, paintings and more.
  • State Museum "In Memory of the Victims of Repression"

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    This unique museum dedicated to the memory of the people killed or imprisoned as a result of repressions and persecutions was founded in the Uzbek capital not long ago.
  • Minor Mosque

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    The Minor mosque is one of new sights of Tashkent located in the new part of the city, not far from the UzExpoCentre and Hotel International. It was opened on 1 October 2014, on the eve of the Eid holiday, and has become one of the favorite places of city residents for evening strolls. Minor mosque is located on the embankment of the Ankhor channel and is surrounded by a landscaped area.
  • Ensemble Hazrati Imam

    2 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    which consist of of Barakkhan madrasah and The Museum of Quran where the original VII century Othman Quran written on a deer skin is preserved.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Art house hotel / Sayyoh hotel 4* hotel - Shodlik hotel / Le Grande Plaza hotel
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - Lunch and dinner are not included
Tashkent - Samarkand
  • Ulugh Beg Observatory

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Among historical monuments of Samarkand observatory takes particular place, constructed by Ulugbek in 1428-1429 on one of the hills on height, at the bottom of Chupanata altitude. Observatory was unique construction for its time.The basis of observatory was giant goniometer vertical circle), radius of circle was equal 40,212 meters, and the length of arc was 63 meters. The main instrument-sextant was oriented with amazing exactness by line of meridian from south to north.
  • Shah-i-Zinda

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    there is one of the most mysterious and unique architectural monuments of Samarkand, Shakhi Zinda complex. It consists of rows of refine sparkling blue colors tombs. Harmoniously combined in a lively and moving composition, various mausoleums are grouped along the narrow medieval streets. Shakhi Zinda consists of eleven mausoleums, which were built one after another in 14 - 15th centuries.
  • Hazrat Khizr Mosque

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    mosque is located on the south of Afrasiab fort. The area of the Mosque is 30 x 16 m. It stands on a natural elevation where a steep stairs leads. The mosque consists of aivan and khanaka. The mosque’s aivan (an indoor canopy standing on the columns) is richly decorated with ornaments.
  • Siab Bazaar

    2 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Visiting Samarkand and not paying a visit to Siab market means missing one of the most interesting adventures. The oriental market is a special place where you can feel a live atmosphere of the ancient city.
  • Registan

    2 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    The Registan Square is a real gem located in the very heart of the ancient city of Samarkand. It has gained its worldwide fame thanks to the great architectural ensemble that has become a monument of the oriental architecture.
  • Gur Emir Mausoleum

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    One of the most significant architectural ensembles of medieval East – the Gur Emir was built in the southwestern part of Samarkand at the beginning of the XV century.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Zilol Baxt / Jahon Palace hotel 4* hotel - Diyora Samarkand hotel / Malika Premium hotel
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - Lunch and dinner are not included
Samarkand - Bukhaa
  • Lyab-i-Hauz

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Architectual ensemble Lyabi-Khauz is formed with three large monumental buildings: Kukeldash Madrasah in the north, khanaka and Nodir Divan-begi in the west and in the east. From the south the square was closed with Trade Street. The center of old Bukhara large ensemble became a reservoir.
  • Ulugbek Madrasah

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Ulugbek Madrasah was found in 1417, as the inscription on the bronze plate of door runs says.
  • Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Opposite Ulugbek Madrasah there is Abdullazizkhan Madrasah. Abdullazizkhan built it in 1651 – 1652 and it is the last large Madrasah in Bukhara. The building is typical by composition, with four-ayvans yard, but with unordinary divergent fan of hudj groups after side ayvans and cupola buildings on the central axis.
  • Mir-i-Arab Madrasa

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Construction of the Miri-Arab madrasah dates back to the 16th century and is related to the sheikh Abdallah Yamani (from Yemen), the spiritual pir (guide) of sheybanids.
  • Great Minaret of the Kalon

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    The Kalyan Minaret: history of the city symbols
  • Trading Domes

    2 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Bukhara is well-known to the world not only with its mosques, Ark Fortress and the majestic Kalyan minaret but also with its trading domes stretching in procession from Lyabi-Khauz to the Miri-Arab madrasah.
  • Hamman Bozori Kord

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Not Included
    (Optional) The Bozori Kord Hammam was built in the 14th century, and has been in regular use ever since. The hammam experience may be one of the most memorable ones of your trip. You will immerse yourself in centuries-old traditions, and will experience the "real Bukhara". This will take you beyond the souvenir shops and tour guides, and will put you in contact with the way people really live in Bukhara.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Carvan hotel / Basilic hotel 4* hotel - Devon Begi hotel / Umar Khayyom hotel
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - lunch and dinner are not included
Bukhara Tashkent by bullet train
  • Ark of Bukhara

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    Ark-Citadel is a residence of Bukhara khans. According to the last excavations, it was determined the citadel was on this place from 4 century BC.
  • Moschea Bolo-khauz

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    t is located on the opposite site of Ark - the Emir's fortress. The complex consists of the reservoir, Friday mosque and minaret.
  • Samanid Mausoleum

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Of all the medieval buildings in Bukhara, the Samanids Mausoleum is of special interest. This world-famous architectural masterpiece was built at the close of the ninth century.
  • Bukhara

    2 minsAdmission Ticket Free
    After lunch free and easy.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Art house hotel / Sayyoh hotel 4* hotel - Shodlik hotel / Le Grande Plaza hotel
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - lunch and dinner are not included
Tashkent - Fergana valley
  • Khan Palace

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    Without a shadow of doubt, Kokand's most impressive sight is the Khudyar Khan Palace - one of the most glittering royal residences in central Asia and a structure that would make fairytale princesses jump up and down for joy.
  • Rishtan

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Free
    of a well-known ceramic master Rustam Usmanov whose works are exhibited on world exhibitions. Enjoy a pottery workshop and have a look at ceramic collection in a small museum.
  • Yodgorlik Silk Factory

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Included
    you will see the production process of silk with traditional Ikat patterns.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Ikat guesthouse / Adras House 4* hotel - Makon hotel / Atlas hotel
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - lunch and dinner are not included
Fergana valley - Osh - Bishkek
  • Osh

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Free
    Osh is Kyrgyzstan’s southern capital, and one of the oldest cities in the country. With a history estimated to stretch back 3000 years, Osh has long been a central city in the Fergana Valley.
  • Bishkek

    Admission Ticket Free
    Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan, and has a population of about one million people. Today, Bishkek is one of the major cities of Central Asia, and is the largest city in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Ala-Too Square

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Ala-Too Square is Kyrgyzstan’s main square, located in the center of Bishkek. Ala-Too in Kyrgyz means “great mountain”, symbolizing the mountainous terrain and nature of the country.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Albatros hotel / Bugu hotel 4* hotel - Garden hotel / Art Bishkek hotel
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - lunch and dinner are not included
Bishkek - Cholpon Ata
  • Burana Tower

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    is all that remains of the ancient city of Balasagun
  • Museum of Petroglyphs

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    There will be an excursion in open-air art gallery of stone, said to date from 500 BC – 100 AD, they depict wolves, long-horned ibex, goats, horses, snow leopards, sacrifices and some hunting scenes.
  • Cholpon Ata

    3 hoursAdmission Ticket Free
    Free time in The small city of Cholpon-Ata, - is famous for its petroglyphs, resorts, sandy beaches, and underground mineral springs.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Inn Kochevnik / Mini Pansionat Kalinka 4* hotel - Kristall / Fontan
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - lunch and dinner are not included
Cholpon-Ata - Karakol
  • Nikolai Przhevalsky Museum

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    This wonderful piece of wooden architecture.
  • Dungan Mosque

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    The Dungan Mosque in Karakol was built from 1907 to 1910 without a single nail. The mosque was built by the Dungans, a community of Chinese Muslims who arrived in Karakol fleeing violence in the 1870s and 1880s.
  • Karakol

    2 hoursAdmission Ticket Free
    From the moment you arrive in Karakol, you'll find a range of sights, activities, and culinary experiences at your fingertips. Start your day visiting a local bakery on our Bread Making Tour, discover the city's secrets
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Riverside Karakol / Mixx 4* hotel - Caravan / Karagat
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - lunch and dinner are not included
Karakol - Bishkek - Tashkent
  • Jeti-Oguz Canyon (Seven Bulls Rocks)

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Your guide will tell you a legend about Jety-Oguz (seven bulls) and Broken Heart rock.
  • Bokonbayevo

    1 hoursAdmission Ticket Free
    Hunting with the golden eagle is an ancient tradition that dates back to the Mongol conquest of Central Asia around the 12th and 13th centuries, when a fine eagle and good horse cost the same price and both lent prestige to their owner.
  • Accommodations
    3* hotel - Art House hotel / Velara hotel 4* hotel - Regal Stay hotel / Daniel Hills hotel
    Food And Drinks
    Breakfast - lunch and dinner are not included
Tashkent - Departure
  • Chorsu Bazaar

    2 hoursAdmission Ticket Not Included
    Free time to shopping in Chorsu bazaar. Free and easy. Drive to International Airport for the departure flight to the next destination. End of tour.
  • International Airport, Terminal 2

    30 minsAdmission Ticket Not Included
    Departure flight Home. End of tour.
  • Food And Drinks

What's included


0.5mL mineral water per day/person;
3*Hotel accommodation in double/ trpl room sharing;
Bullet train economy class tickets (Tas-Kok, Tas-Sam & Buk-Tas)
Air-conditioned vehicle
Breakfast (10)
Entrance fees to sights, museums, mausoleums;
Guide service


International and domestic air fare to/from
Lunches and dinners
Tips for local staff;
Any services not included in the above itinerary;

Additional information

Must Know
Mobile or paper ticket accepted
Good To Know
Wheelchair accessible
Public transportation options are available nearby
Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness



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  • HKDHong Kong Dollar
  • MYRMalaysian Ringgit
  • TWDNew Taiwan Dollar
  • THBThai Baht
  • USDU.S Dollar
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  • VNDVietnamese Dong
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