A personalised experience listening to fado in Lisbon with a Local Host. Fado is Portugal's traditional and soulful folk music, and singing and listening to it is a passion shared by all the locals in the city. Born in the oldest quarter of the city - Mouraria -, fado is truly part of Lisbon's soul, so there's nowhere better than this neighbourhood (or neighbouring Alfama) to hear it. Do like the locals do and spend the evening at a casa de fado where you can enjoy a traditional meal during a fado dinner show. Or if you prefer, head to a tiny tavern tucked away down a side street to listen to this mournful music, stopping at a neighbourhood restaurant along the way. With a Local Host by your side to guide you, discover the bars where Lisboetas really go to hear fado and listen to the best in the city.
City Unscripted
AUD 406.67