Embark on an exhilarating exploration of the enchanting landscapes of West Cork with our eBike Adventure. This brand new tour is a unique, hilly spin that is nearly all on bóithríní, the narrow country lanes typical of rural Ireland. The sophisticated suspension of our state-of-the-art eBikes makes tackling these slopes a breeze, opening up the undulating terrain for us to explore like never before.
Starting and finishing in the picturesque fishing village of Union Hall, this thrilling circuit weaves through the heart of West Cork, reaching out to the captivating corners of Myross, Leap, Rosscarbery, and Glandore. With a distance of approximately 40 kilometers, our e-bike tour is a delightful combination of natural beauty, rich history, and cultural heritage.
This tour promises a feast for your senses.
William Thompson Memorial
Castle Salem
Mill Cove
Drombeg Stone Circle
Union Hall
AUD 166.17