After purchasing AIRISM electronic recharge coupons, you can enter the 16-digit recharge coupon number provided through the AIRSIM App to directly recharge the amount into your AIRSIM account.
Each AIRSIM electronic recharge voucher contains HK$100 stored value.
After recharging to the AIRSIM account in the AIRSIM App, the amount can be used to purchase AIRSIM data or AIRTALK call packages immediately in the AIRSIM App.
AIRSIM electronic recharge coupons are valid until December 31, 2026. Please recharge into your AIRSIM account before the expiry date. It is invalid after the expiration date and will not be reissued under any circumstances.
Once this AIRSIM electronic recharge voucher is purchased, there is no cancellation, change or refund. AIRSIM e-recharge vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.
Xinjing Telecommunications Limited reserves the right to change the terms and conditions regarding the use of this electronic coupon. In case of any dispute, Xinjing Telecommunications Co., Ltd. reserves the right of final decision.
If you do not have an AIRSIM account, please purchase an AIRSIM prepaid card first.
Sign up to enjoy 10% off your first 2 bookingsT&Cs apply
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— Product Highlights —
— Product Details —
— Products Included —
— Delivery Details —
AIRSIM Service Center (Shine Club)
— Important Notices —
1. Simply enter your destination, duration of trip/usage, and departure date
into the app prior to departure. Insert AIRSIM and turn on the Data Roaming
function upon arrival to activate your data services
2. AIRSIM works on mobile phones or tablets such as iPads only; it is not
compatible with pocket WiFi devices (MiFi). You can use data sharing
(Tethering) on your mobile phone or tablet if applicable
3. Except for the 24/48-Hour Data Package, the daily data usage time is from
Hong Kong time (GMT+8) 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. There is no pro-rata calculation
regardless of the activation time of the data service. 24/48-Hour Data Package
will provide a continuous 24/48-hour session starting from service activation
4. Most overseas mobile operators have a Fair Usage Policy (FUP). We
recommend AIRSIM users disable the software auto-update function and use free
Wi-Fi for activities that require high data usage.
5. AIRSIM supports data services only. It does not support SMS. However, you
can download and use our AIRTALK ROAM APP to call local numbers, landlines,
and even receive calls from Hong Kong. The caller ID of the recipient will
show the registered mobile number of the user. Only Hong Kong mobile users can
receive calls
6. Data packages purchased from the AIRSIM ROAM APP and checked out using
Visa / Mastercard / PayPal / Apple Pay / Google Pay directly in the app can be
activated instantly
7. AIRSIM is reusable. Simply select the data package in the AIRSIM app, to
have data access again for your next trip
8. You can use the stored value in the AIRSIM Prepaid Card to purchase data
and voice packages. The AIRSIM account has 1 year validity after first
registration in AIRSIM App. The expiry date of AIRSIM will be extended 1 year
automatically from the date of any purchase of data package.
Shine Club (Shinetown Telecommunication and AIRSIM Retail Store)
AUD 19.96